Umbrella Term

Umbrella Term. An umbrella or parasol is a folding canopy supported by wooden or metal ribs that is usually mounted on a wooden, metal, or plastic pole. It usually refers to a group of sexualities or gender identities that have something in common.

Lindsey Lipsky M.Ed. on | What is, Umbrella term and Umbrellas
Lindsey Lipsky M.Ed. on | What is, Umbrella term and Umbrellas (Agnes Jacobs)
It usually refers to a group of sexualities or gender identities that have something in common. UMBRELLA TERM meaning, definition & explanation. I can't think what else to call them; so I've just been referring to them as types, word types, etc.

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An umbrella term is a word or phrase that covers a wide range of concepts belonging to a common For example, cryptology is an umbrella term that encompasses cryptography and cryptanalysis.

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Umbrella term Meaning - YouTube

Umbrella (disambiguation) — An umbrella is a canopy device designed to protect from precipitation Umbrellafund — An umbrella fund is an investment term used to describe a collective investment. Umbrella definition: An umbrella is an object which you use to protect yourself from the rain or hot sun. For example, cryptology is an umbrella term that encompasses cryptography and cryptanalysis, among other fields.

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