The Umbrella Academy Cast
The Umbrella Academy Cast. The Umbrella Academy, based on the acclaimed Dark Horse comic series by Gerard Way and Gabriel Ba, arrives Friday on Netflix, introducing viewers to the dysfunctional family of superheroes who must overcome their differences if they have any hopes of saving the world. The Umbrella Academy follows the lives of an estranged family of superpower siblings, who are reunited as adults when their adoptive father dies.
Learn about The Umbrella Academy: discover its cast ranked by popularity, see when it premiered, view trivia, and more. "The Umbrella Academy" follows a ragtag family of heroes tasked with preventing the apocalypse. The Hargreeves siblings' adopted father and founder of the Umbrella Academy. Min, Britne Oldford, Genesis Rodriguez, Cazzie David, Jake Epstein As Sparrow Academy.
The Umbrella Academy follows the lives of an estranged family of superpower siblings, who are reunited as adults when their adoptive father dies.
The show is based on the comic book series of the same name by My Chemical Romance's Gerard WayCredit: Netflix.
The Umbrella Academy is an American television series developed by Steve Blackman and Gerard Way for Netflix. Welcome to The Umbrella Academy, where the Hargreeves kids lived and grew up to be the heroes they are today. The Umbrella Academy is an American superhero streaming television series based on the comic book series of the same name written by Gerard Way. Режиссер: Эллен Кёрас, Стивен Серджик, Джереми Уэбб и др. В ролях: Эллиот Пейдж, Том Хоппер, Дэвид Кастанеда и др. Продюсер: Стив Блэкман, Джефф Кинг, Джейсон Низ и др. В ролях: Эллиот Пэйдж, Том Хоппер, Эйдан Галлахер и др.
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